The whole cosmos is controlled by some beliefs and same is the case with every individual,we know that the beliefs are controlled by mind and who control our mind? Science say something and spirituality say something but this thing is also important that everybody have the freewill to do everything that he desires but why that thing can be done up to some extent so question remains stand here that who actually control our mind ? are we helpless somewhere ?
31 Aug 2010
Clarity of thoughts and the power of beliefs
Yes,this is the fact that when thoughts are clear and beliefs are strong then you will attain everything or you will get what you really wants.One thing is sure that if you think about positivity that will bring you near the success,so always be positive,think positive because so many matchsticks are being made from a single piece of wood but a single matchstick even burn large number of trees so it means a negative thought can burn so many dreams.Let us see how our thoughts are refined ?,how we make possible to clarify our thoughts ? how beliefs get more powerful? the simple answer is intially you have to make some arrangements in your routine life and build some strong ethics,You should be liberal and clear towards the society and always be ready to co-operate others,treat them nicely and always be away from so called materialism.Whenever you treat like "nishkam" or "neutral" you will pave the way towards clarity and whenever you will got wider vision that will make possible to fulfill your dreams.
19 Aug 2010
The facet of personality
Man has different shades in his personality and behaviour is one of them.Behaviour means how we react?,how we present ourself to words the society.Actually this is an inborn trait but after doing some practices we can develope this also.An old saying also supports this that, " as you sow so shall you reap".We almost see today the man's behaviour is so complexed and ofcourse this happened due to the so called materialism.Such type of thing is awful for man itself and to the society also,if we want real happiness firstly we have to come out from this.Don't forget this thing that man is the special creation by God and all of us are equal and our existence in this universe is some condition negotiated by God whether we accept it or deny it that does not matter.Actually due to the three tatwas present in the cosmos,man is bound to act like one of them or all of them in some ratios and sometime one tatwa overtake another tatwa due to the nature and will of the man,it depends on the sanskars,place,companionship,education and other things.Some people act like saatwik(dev),some acts like rajsik(manushaya) and rest of them acts like tamsik(devils).All of us having all the three tatwas inside us but their ratio varies from man to man or according to their nature.Most of the time man's behaviour are not rational and a normal man always hammed between complexities due to their anticipations,their weaknesess and though such type of things could be better if he actually wants,like if you already know that everybody is the creation of God and all of us are brothers but due to our bondage(bondage in thoughts)we all the time feel helpless and never listen to the voice of our soul because we are not free from strong anticipations but we all the time say we are free,we have extra will or we are so called learned,wise and we can do all the things,but inspite of doing all the things we never change our brain,we never strenghthen our sub-conscious mind.One thing is sure and proved that if we want real happiness we have to comeout from this type of weaknesess,have faith in self and in God also and in real manner come out from the so called weaknesess like unnecessary egoism,cunningness,pretension and get ready to listen the voice of our soul so then our birth conditions could be fulfilled and then we would understand why God has sent us on this cosmos.
17 Aug 2010
Moon and Mercury in context with astrology
Everything in the cosmos has some meanings and without any cause they never exist,so we should believe in the belief that everything in the universe has some cause and effect and all of us are interlinked by each other due to some secrets.We also hear about planets and what is the role of planets in the cosmos ? Is there any direct or indirect impact on this universe ? the answer is Yes.Actually the planets both have the direct and indirect impact on us and on the whole cosmos or we can say they represent our efforts or they become medium between God and us.In astrology moon is represented by our mind and mercury is represented by brain or intelligence.Every person has the same quantity of both mind and brain but some of them utilize that in real manner,science almost research about the power of brain and comes to the point that a common man never utilize the major part of the brainpower in his total life or we can say up to 10 percent brainpower is being utilized by the man.This brain power is represented by both moon and mercury and if both of them is well placed or aspected by benefic planets the person can utilise his brainpower without any barrier and can do miracles in his life.In the notable horoscope we assume that our ancient Avtaras have the good planets in their horoscope and ofcourse you see the moon and mercury in their horoscope they were properly in good position like moon was exalted(in taurus rashi) and mercury was also exalted(in virgo rashi) and both of them in tringle position also(e.g in the horoscope of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna).So this question remains stand here that why everybody has not that power to do everything ? that is reflected in their horoscope,if anybody has some sort of good combinations in their horoscope the person becomes in good position to utilize his brain power and after utilization some miracles would be possibe,so the role of moon amd mercury in the horoscope is indispensable for the real success.
11 Aug 2010
Self-realisation and Self-consciousness
Self-realisation is the way of introduction with our soul,sometime we are all of us churning ourselves from consciousness to sub-consciousness.It is the way of improving our soul and must be necessary to improve ourself because we are almost of the time spent our life in wastefull activities and lead the simple life.Our major part of life are used for butter and bread and we never get any enlightment that what is our motto in life and why should we live? we did not understand the neccessity of mankind in the cosmos that we are all bound to live and live again.Actually God made us not to lead the simple life but our birth is the condition for liberalisation from re-birth system. Wrong deeds and materialism is the barrier in the way of self-realisation.If we wakeup timely and get ready to know ourself with the help of self-churning then we know what is the motto of our life ? don't say like this that "life is one time opportunity and you have the right to enjoy it" that is totally wrong because this is "partly true" and the fact is that we have to do some meritorious work and come out from the re-birth system.
How stars act and how we can overcome them?
The stars has the full impact on us whether we believe or not it depends on us.Let us see how the planets act and what is their effect on the cosmos.In the subject of astrology we study about the role of planets on us and after doing some calculations we reach on a point where we can predict about anybody,but before predicting we should not forget to remember some inevitable points which are very helpful for any astrologist that firstly he should be learned,he should be a wise person and lastly he should have full faith on him and on the supremepower.We almost know that every person has different nature and this thing is also important that everybody in this cosmos are not free from their anticipations,actually when some person succeded the inherent qualities on him give him the support that qualities is represented by his former karmas in large with present situations and conditions also,so former saved karmas plus present circumstances like place,circle and time have the cause of destiny(here one thing is important that majority of the people have full faith on destiny and karma but some people never believe in destiny due to their assumptions and personal ego)and it is fact that we are not free to do anything in actual manner without letting something where we are free,actually these are the words for baselesss discussions thar we are all free to do everything and we are born to live independent life,why some people say like this that is due to their former karmas and if this thing is true that man has freewill then why Lord krishna says"karmaney vaadikarste maafaleshu kadachin" that means we are bound to do only karma and their fruits not in our hand and that karmphal is in the hands of vidhata who is almighty,who is very powerful and it reflects that we should also be powerfull like him but is it possible for anybody? the actual power could be gained with the help of good karmas and by letting of evil things(kaam,krodh,lobh,moh and ahenkaar).In astrological manner man aur budhi that means mind and intelligence are causes for anything which again means moon and mercury are the cause of any events.Actually moon and mercury are not having constant nature and their placement and combinations with any star create some important events.When moon conjoins with any planet that will act like him and same is the case of mercury so if we want to see the horoscope and if we want to concentrate on some important events then we should concentrate on the combinations of "moon and mercury" with other stars.Actually these combinations are made by our former karmas and we are bound to bear them,so we should bear them with greatness.
24 Jul 2010
The attainment of God
God is defined by so many names,everybody called the God by diffrent names.A hungry person recognise the God as "food",when you are thirsty the water drops are your God.Actually God is not living in the shrines or in the holy places but God is living in the heart,in the truth,in the sacrifice,so if you want to find the real God that has lived inside you.If God is living inside us then what is the neccessity of holy places? the simple answer is these are the the medium of attainment of peace and don't forget one thing that any particular area has some positive vibrations and that positive vibration helps us to motivate ourselves towards peace and joy.It is needless to say that without letting so called negativities,one can't attain the real God or can't feel the presence of God,so firstly we have to sacrifice all the evil spirites and move to-wards the path of truth and humanity then we will surely experience the God.
23 Jul 2010
Ego in context with astrology
Egoism is like a knife which has doubled edge and if you utilize it in positive way you will do some miracles in your life but if you fail to apply it in positive way ,you will loose evrything.Actually in the philosophical manner the word "ego" means "I go" which again means i threw my brain.How ego comes? when we exclude us from others or when we treat ourself extraordinary from others and don't want to listen to them,that thing is called ego,so if we want to be away from this bad habbit firstly we have to listen to others very calmly,give full respects to others,treat them nicely and don't forget one thing that we are all the children of nature or God.In astrological manner ego is represented by "mars" and when mars is afflicted or aspected by malefic planets like rahu or debilitated the person becomes egoistic.Actually when mars conjoin with the planet rahu and if both of them or anyone of them is debilitated or aspected by some malefic planets(one thing is important to mention here that sometime benefic planets like jupiter,venus,mercury and moon have also caused for egoism,if they are hammed between melefic planets or if they are debilitaed) then the so called egoism comes,so if we want to come out from this,we have to do the remedy of mars and for the caused planet who is behind this and what should be the effective remedy that is quite simple that make good relations with the brothers and like brothers and give some relief to the needy persons,make paths and lastly but not least is build the bridges between the hearts.
22 Jul 2010
The role of major planets in transit
Problems are the part and parcel of our life and all of us have to face them.Do you know what is the role of stars in our life and how problems come and how they are being solved?.Let us discuss about them in context with astrology.As we know there are nine planets and these are Sun,moon,mars,mercury,jupiter,venus,saturn,rahu and ketu but modern science has also discovered some more planets in the cosmos,there names are uranus,pluto and neptune but except nine planets all of others are very far from the earth and hence their impact on this earth is very less.One thing is also important to mention here that out of nine planets the rahu and ketu are not classified as complete planets but they are just like shadows.It is not a mere question that shubh planets give us shubh impact and ashub i.e malefic planets give us bad results but the real picture is that some time shubh planets gives us bad results due to their position and their ownership but this is not a mere question.The worst position is that when some houses or rashi are occupied by some major planets in particular rashi and in transit that planets will create some tension e.g in these days virgo rashi is occupied by mars and saturn and both the planets have different type of nature and the yog of this will create some worldwide tension like natural calamities(e.g earthquake,volcanos and bloodshed) because virgo rashi is prithvi(earth) tatwa and double natured rashi that also means this rashi has both movable and fixed nature,hence when both mars and saturn conjoin in this rashi the results would be worst and on 23rd.july,2010 the jupiter planet will go for retrograde motion and these three major planets will create some worldwide tension.Actually mars has the action oriented nature and saturn has kaarmic nature,hence when both mingled if other aspects are not in favour the major events will take place.
16 Jul 2010
The real knowledge
Today the whole world is under the grip of materialism.Rational becomes irrational and unwise becomes wise that means due to extreme materialism some people who are so called intellectual has treated irrational and unwise pretend to be rational. Everybody wants to become knowledgeable and a common man believes that if he got so called education(either academic,professional or technical),he will be called as educated.Here firstly we have to see what is knowledge and education and afterthat we could differentiate everything.An education is some sort of method of teaching and knowledge means to acquire something after the process of teaching,reading and learning.After getting some qualifications and knowledge we assume that we have done something and that thing makes our life easy(in materialist manner),but that is really not true because that is our necessity for survival.Actually knowledge is bondage because whenever you will get some so called knowledge,you becomes ready to build some barriers around you and during this process you almostly open the brain door but close your heart door.It usually done and your actual progress could not materialise,so be wise in real sense,use your brain and heart power in equal proportion and don't forget this thing that the real knowledge dwell in simplicity.
14 Jul 2010
Is there sixth sense or twentyone senses ?
We all the time hear about sixth sense.What is this ? Does it exist or not ?
In philosophical manner there are five senses like: vision,hearing,touch,taste and smell.Sixth sense is nothing but it is our inherent psychic sense and most of the people described it as "third eye".As a matter of fact some scientists have proven that we have twentyone senses and the "soul" also has the twentyone gram weight.It seems that sense and soul both having 21gm weight or we can say actually soul is our sense.This word very much seems to be near the truth that our "aatma or soul" is really our sense.Whenever we die we almost loose ourself,in real manner that is we loose our visual power,listening power and loose everything and what about 21gm weight that also means when death comes that certain cellular processes fails and after that when you weigh the dead body,some weight is almost lost,that means the lungs,bowels,bladders will all empty themselves and hence these will loose some weight.So we can say after death body will be totally decomposed and there will be a loss of 21gm weight.Some of the people say like when somebody dies the evaporation of moistures from respiration system and evaporation of sweat cause the decrease of the weight that they called it like 21gm weight is lost from the deadbody.One thing is also important to discuss here that like human beings,animals and birds have this sense also and inspite of going for any controversy we should not forget that birds and animals have stronger sense than us,because they are all innocent and they never crossed their limits towards the nature but man is not living in his shells and from the very beginning of this universe he always breaks the rules so he fails.
In philosophical manner there are five senses like: vision,hearing,touch,taste and smell.Sixth sense is nothing but it is our inherent psychic sense and most of the people described it as "third eye".As a matter of fact some scientists have proven that we have twentyone senses and the "soul" also has the twentyone gram weight.It seems that sense and soul both having 21gm weight or we can say actually soul is our sense.This word very much seems to be near the truth that our "aatma or soul" is really our sense.Whenever we die we almost loose ourself,in real manner that is we loose our visual power,listening power and loose everything and what about 21gm weight that also means when death comes that certain cellular processes fails and after that when you weigh the dead body,some weight is almost lost,that means the lungs,bowels,bladders will all empty themselves and hence these will loose some weight.So we can say after death body will be totally decomposed and there will be a loss of 21gm weight.Some of the people say like when somebody dies the evaporation of moistures from respiration system and evaporation of sweat cause the decrease of the weight that they called it like 21gm weight is lost from the deadbody.One thing is also important to discuss here that like human beings,animals and birds have this sense also and inspite of going for any controversy we should not forget that birds and animals have stronger sense than us,because they are all innocent and they never crossed their limits towards the nature but man is not living in his shells and from the very beginning of this universe he always breaks the rules so he fails.
8 Jul 2010
The impact of stars on ascendent
Ascendent in a horoscope is much important,whenever a child is born the astrologist draws a chart and did some calculations about the stars.How much important this?.In
real sense the stars in a chart is not responsible for the destiny but they are the medium or they are the representative of our karma in logical manner but for the sake of convenience we treat them,so we are responsible for our karma.Let us see how the stars play this role? In astrology every ascendent have the different type of impacts.If we want to see the nature of a person we have to see first what is the ascendent and where the lord of that is placed?how many stars have the direct impact
on ascendent and their lord? When ascendent have the impact of Sun the person have the authoritative and dominating nature but how much impact brings to us that depends upon the strength of the planet.When Moon have the direct impact on ascendent the person have the wavering and clever nature,when Mars have the impact then the person have the aggresive and stunning nature,when mercury have the impact the person have the calculative nature,when Jupiter have the impact on ascendent the person have the balanced and administrative nature,when Venus have the impact then the person have the balanced and practical nature and aboveall when satrun heve the impact on ascendent the person have the shrewd nature.Of course when rahu who is called dragon's head have the direct impact on the ascendent the person have the diplomatic and some time stupid nature and lastly we should not forget about Ketu who is called dragon's tail,when ketu have the direct impact on the ascendent the person have the idle nature or we can say the person is not social.
real sense the stars in a chart is not responsible for the destiny but they are the medium or they are the representative of our karma in logical manner but for the sake of convenience we treat them,so we are responsible for our karma.Let us see how the stars play this role? In astrology every ascendent have the different type of impacts.If we want to see the nature of a person we have to see first what is the ascendent and where the lord of that is placed?how many stars have the direct impact
on ascendent and their lord? When ascendent have the impact of Sun the person have the authoritative and dominating nature but how much impact brings to us that depends upon the strength of the planet.When Moon have the direct impact on ascendent the person have the wavering and clever nature,when Mars have the impact then the person have the aggresive and stunning nature,when mercury have the impact the person have the calculative nature,when Jupiter have the impact on ascendent the person have the balanced and administrative nature,when Venus have the impact then the person have the balanced and practical nature and aboveall when satrun heve the impact on ascendent the person have the shrewd nature.Of course when rahu who is called dragon's head have the direct impact on the ascendent the person have the diplomatic and some time stupid nature and lastly we should not forget about Ketu who is called dragon's tail,when ketu have the direct impact on the ascendent the person have the idle nature or we can say the person is not social.
7 Jul 2010
What is the logic behind maanglik yoga in astrology
We almostly heard about maanglik word,what is this? How does this act Why are people afraid from this word? Firstly we have to see the actual meaning of word 'maanglik'.
In a simple meaning maanglik means 'something happens for enjoyment',in astrology it popularly relates with marriage life.Some houses in horoscope made this yoga i.e 1st.,2nd.,4th.,7th.,8th. and 12th.bhava.When the planet mars occupy aforsaid houses the kundli becomes 'maanglik',and when some other malefic planets like satrun,rahu and ketu conjoin with this planet on those houses this yoga becomes so powerful.When
this yoga made the problem becomes so critical,when this yoga made in first house the jatak have the stunning nature,when this yoga made in second house the jatak could not cope-up with the family or kutumb,when made in forth house the grahasukh or actual pleasures disturbed,when made in seventh house the partner or marriage sukh distrubed,when made in eighth house the jatak should be more strugglfull and lastly when this yoga made in twelevth bhava the jatak spends lavishly.These all stated problems disturb the life of anybody so thats why people afraid from this yoga.The problem becomes so critical when the lord of that particular bhava is weak(means when hammed between malefic planets or asta by sun or deblitated)then the sukh of that bhava could not possible or the results related to that bhava becomes so late.Actually when seventh bhava which is called marriage bhava or partner bhava(marriage is also called partnership)have this type of yoga the marriage life distrubed,the logic behind there is that the mars planet is so aggrasive when it is placed in seventh bhava it aspected the lagna bhava also when lagna is aspected by mars the jataka have the stuuning nature and when other planets like rahu aspected the lagna the jataka have the diplomatic nature,when ketu placed or aspected to lagna the jataka have the idle nature,so by this means all these bad qualities affected the life of jataka.It is not created by planets but it is created by man itself and ofcourse we are responsible for that.
In a simple meaning maanglik means 'something happens for enjoyment',in astrology it popularly relates with marriage life.Some houses in horoscope made this yoga i.e 1st.,2nd.,4th.,7th.,8th. and 12th.bhava.When the planet mars occupy aforsaid houses the kundli becomes 'maanglik',and when some other malefic planets like satrun,rahu and ketu conjoin with this planet on those houses this yoga becomes so powerful.When
this yoga made the problem becomes so critical,when this yoga made in first house the jatak have the stunning nature,when this yoga made in second house the jatak could not cope-up with the family or kutumb,when made in forth house the grahasukh or actual pleasures disturbed,when made in seventh house the partner or marriage sukh distrubed,when made in eighth house the jatak should be more strugglfull and lastly when this yoga made in twelevth bhava the jatak spends lavishly.These all stated problems disturb the life of anybody so thats why people afraid from this yoga.The problem becomes so critical when the lord of that particular bhava is weak(means when hammed between malefic planets or asta by sun or deblitated)then the sukh of that bhava could not possible or the results related to that bhava becomes so late.Actually when seventh bhava which is called marriage bhava or partner bhava(marriage is also called partnership)have this type of yoga the marriage life distrubed,the logic behind there is that the mars planet is so aggrasive when it is placed in seventh bhava it aspected the lagna bhava also when lagna is aspected by mars the jataka have the stuuning nature and when other planets like rahu aspected the lagna the jataka have the diplomatic nature,when ketu placed or aspected to lagna the jataka have the idle nature,so by this means all these bad qualities affected the life of jataka.It is not created by planets but it is created by man itself and ofcourse we are responsible for that.
6 Jul 2010
Rajyoga and key planet in astrology
Maharishi prashra who was the founder of astrology depicted about rajyoga in his famous scripture "Vrihat prasharhora shashtra".According to to him some houses and their lord made certain kind of combinations that brings prosperity,name and fame.How does this yoga made?, what is the impact of this to anybody?.Before we discuss about this let us know what is the meaning of term 'Yog'.A yog means when two or more than two things combined,a new thing comeout and in astrology when two or more then two houses or their lord meets that create rajyoga.It means that you have all the materialistic things.the lord of 1st.,5th.,9th. and horoscope made this rajyoga.When both of them aspected or conjoin with each other then this rajyoga is made,it means that you have some certain kind of qualities and that will repay you according to their strength.Suppose your lagna lord is out of this range then you will not enjoy that rajyoga in real sense.This actually means if fifth,ninth or tenth lord combined or aspected by each other then this yoga is made,again you describe it that by birth you have some certain capabilities but if lagna lord is out from this range then you will not really enjoy that rajyoga.Actually first house recognise self and self is much important then other things,fifth house is our intelligence,ninth house is called destiny or dharma again means you have to abide some rules for success and tenth house means our karma or efforts and hence when both or any of them is not illplaced or hammed between malefic planets or not aspected by malefic planets then that rajyoga is enjoyable.Inspite of astrology you took this just like if somebody do something with intelligence and do that with full devotion and follow some basic rules then success will be waiting for you.What about the key planet, a key planet is just like a special quality which you have inside you and every lagna has one key planet( it means a positive energy inside you)which is the base of your success,it should also be free from evil impact by any other malefic planets and when this key planet conjoin with other good planets then this will ensure your success ratio.How we can calculate this,we have to study "Ududayapradeep" or "Laghuprashari" written by Maharishi Prashra.The seven planets in sequence play this role i.e Sun,Moon,Mars,Mercury,Jupiter,Venus and Satrun.Sun plays the role for aries and saggitarius lagna, moon plays for scorpeo lagna, mars for cancer and leo lagna, mercury for taurus and virgo lagna, jupiter for pisces lagna, venus for capricorn and aquarius lagna and abobe all satrun for libra lagna.The key planet in any horoscope if is well placed and aspected by lagna lord then prosperity,name and fame will surely be given to you and if fifth,ninth and tenth lord are also involved in this combination then you will do some miracles in your life.
3 Jul 2010
The real happiness
Ignorance is the main cause of sorrows,how we can overcome this ? it can be controlled by awareness,so we can improve ourselve with the help of awareness.Awareness means to know something in its wholeness.Firstly we have to make some arrangements or we have to build our beliefs in positive direction with the help of good company,books,healthy discussions,chanting some holy mantras,listening to learned personalities and all these come when we are fully liberated to the world.Liberation of thoughts and actions and when this occur we get enlightenment,then we understand the theory of life that we are not born to lead wasteful life because our birth condition is to liberalise ourselves from the rebirth system or to come out from this rebirth system.Only man has the capabilities to go beyond all the things.Usually man is slave to their habits and man or their brain by habit tend towords negativity or we can say negativity is more powerfull than the positivity it attracts us primarily.we have both the qualities negativity and positivity and it is upon us which power or energy we would apply.When we got so called inteligence we tend towards either hypocrtic or selfcenteredness,so if we want to be liberated we should be intelligent in real sense and we should not make us double faced because hypocricy and affectation is the barrier in the way of liberalisation,so be wise in real sense.
30 Jun 2010
The essence of karma
Is there any destiny,is our mind slave to the circumstances.What we are doing as usually in our life,why Lord krishna says in bhagwat Gita "karmanye vaadikarste ma fleshukadachin" does this means that we are helpless somewhere? why Lord krishna says "You have the right to do karma and the fruits of this is not in your hand, fruits are in the hands of vidhata,vidhata means controlling power,is there any controlling power or we can say our karma is really a controlling power,does this perplex us? All the ancient holy scriptures and great saints teach us to lead a simple life and do karma with full devotion,this is the real essence of karma that means do your karma with full devotion and go away from all the affectation ,if you do this the failures can not distrub you.Actually the planets who control us,are also not free they are also bound to do their karma,as some people say Lord has the full control over stars and on us.The matter of fact is that some power is present in this cosmos but that power does not interfere in karma cycle,that power believes in karma theory and are also bound to do it,you take the example from our holy scriptures that all the great saints and avtaras had the full capacity to do all the things or to do miracles but they never interfere with the karma theory or never brake any rules which have been made for this universe,you take the example of Sun who never crossed his limit and since the existence of this universe he is doing his job with full devotion and with punctuallity,actually we are all bound to do karma and we are all responsible for our karma.We have the free will except somewhere and we have to do all the things but do it with balanced mind,what you do that will pay you in that way it is sure,so always do good karma and always listen to your soul.
28 Jun 2010
The positive and negative powers
There are two powers existing in this world i.e positive and negative powers,these are the main cause of existence of whole universe.We can say that when both meet they produce the energy.Here the positive power is purusha and the negative power is prakriti.Our mind has both the powers but most of the people never use positive power even in a small ratio,why this occur? is there negative powers are more powerful than the positive powers or not? Why every person could not apply the positive power? why they are helpless somewhere?
Science,Spirituality & Soul
In this universe Science and spirituality both have the existence.Science say "what is this?" and spirituality says " who is i am",both are interlinked,dependent but one is based on some visible aspects and the other is based on beliefs.Actually everybody has the inherent ego which stops them to accept the reality as we know that the science means "Vighayan" which again means to accumulate some knowledge through some practice and experiments and on the other hand spirituality means "Adhayatam" which again means the study of Atma or study of self.Here onething is also important that science is not forever or we can say science is perishable but atma or soul is non-perishable.
23 Jun 2010
The art of prediction through horoscope
Predicting about somebody in context with astrology is not simple,this needs much study and experience,whenever you have got this technique you can do it very efficiently,but allways remember onething that everybody is not perfect in every field and about astrology it is a great ocean where everybody has not go in to the depth.You can learn this by means of practice and practice again.
Let us discuss about the technique of prediction.As we know there are 7 planets named Sun,Moon,Mars,Mercury,jupiter,venus and satrun(here Rahu & Ketu are also included in this catagory,but they are both shadows),secondly the rashis(Zodiac) are only 12(Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpeo,sagitarious,Capricorn,Aquarious and Pises,excluding the cancer and leo rashis,all other zodiac signs have double ownership of plenets.Every planet aspected the seventh rashi from their placement and some planets like jupiter,satrun,rahu,ketu and mars have the special power for aspectation,like jupiter,rahu and ketu has the fifth and ninth aspectation power and satrun has the third and tenth power and lastly mars has the fourth and eighth aspectation power.The important thing to decide how we can predict a horoscope is firstly see what is the lagna or ascendent and where is the lagna lord placed,how many planets aspected the lagna and lagna lord,secondly you have to see what is the rashi and where the rashi lord placed and how many planets aspected to that rashi and rashi lord,then see which vimshotri dasa is running and ofcourse where that dasa lord is placed and how many planets see them,again to strenghen your prediction see the impact of navmansa chart on lagna and lagna lord, also see the ashtak varga and lastly but not least to see the transitition of all the planets in that horoscope.One thing is also important that an astrologist must have the basic qualities like he should be humble,learned,spiritual and well experienced.
Let us discuss about the technique of prediction.As we know there are 7 planets named Sun,Moon,Mars,Mercury,jupiter,venus and satrun(here Rahu & Ketu are also included in this catagory,but they are both shadows),secondly the rashis(Zodiac) are only 12(Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpeo,sagitarious,Capricorn,Aquarious and Pises,excluding the cancer and leo rashis,all other zodiac signs have double ownership of plenets.Every planet aspected the seventh rashi from their placement and some planets like jupiter,satrun,rahu,ketu and mars have the special power for aspectation,like jupiter,rahu and ketu has the fifth and ninth aspectation power and satrun has the third and tenth power and lastly mars has the fourth and eighth aspectation power.The important thing to decide how we can predict a horoscope is firstly see what is the lagna or ascendent and where is the lagna lord placed,how many planets aspected the lagna and lagna lord,secondly you have to see what is the rashi and where the rashi lord placed and how many planets aspected to that rashi and rashi lord,then see which vimshotri dasa is running and ofcourse where that dasa lord is placed and how many planets see them,again to strenghen your prediction see the impact of navmansa chart on lagna and lagna lord, also see the ashtak varga and lastly but not least to see the transitition of all the planets in that horoscope.One thing is also important that an astrologist must have the basic qualities like he should be humble,learned,spiritual and well experienced.
19 Jun 2010
Destiny And Karma-is there any correlation between them?
Is there any correlation between the destiny and karma? this question always strikes in our mind.As we know karma is the accumulation of effects of good and bad causes that we bring with us from our former lives and the word karma is derived from a sanskrit word "karman" which means 'action' and that action would be good or bad according to the will. Here 'will' in wider sense means everybody is free to do everything but in real sense this is not true, actually everybody has inherent extra will but they apply this up to some extent according to their former karma or destiny(as usually we say idleness,lazziness or karamheenta), these are all so called saying, actually we are bound with our karma,so we should not forget this thing that if we do good karma we receive good results and always remember this famous sanskrit shaloka "Awashayamev bhughatayam kritamkaram shubhashubham,na bhughat khshiyatekaram kalapkoti shatairiye" means karma never be destroyed their fruits have to be tested conditionally.
What is real astrology
Astrology is a science or method of prediction to see in the future by the help of stars. To see in the future or to ask about the future the existense of beleifs should be the first condition.The astrology have some basic principles which should must be followed,an astrologist must have some basic qualities like he or she should have saatwik nature,free from any anticipation,any biasness,should be humble,should be experienced. In present time so many so called astrologist have borned who have forgetted their moral duty.Astrology today is commercialised and by this means no body is happy today because of commercilisation.Large number of people is now involved in this proffesion due to their personal motives, the primary motive is to gain fame and to make money, but this is not fair. The actual meaning of astrology is "Jyaotish" means to spread the lights of eishwar and give moral support to needy persons, heal them mentally.So we should pay full and real respect to this divine subject.
17 May 2010
Trik bhavas of an horoscope
In astrology everybody is aware of trik bhavas which are as follows: the sixth,eighth and twelfth bhavas.Actually every body is afraid of these three bhavas because of their merits by nature.As we know that the sixth bhava represents the disease,enimity and loan but as sky has no limit that is the case with sixth house ,we have to remember this thing that the sixth bhava is bhagya bhava of karma,accomplishment of all things related with eighth bhava etc.,also is the case of eighth bhava which represents longevity and accidental incidents but income bhava to karma bhava and sukh bhava to fifth bhava also twelfth bhava shows the expenditure but income bhava to dhan bhava and sukh bhava to bhagya bhava also.Here one thing is important that if any debilitated planet placed in any of these houses and these houses are mutually placed in any of them,the result becomes astonishing.Here eighth house has much importance that if so many planets placed in this house the person surely creates history,here one condition is important that the lagna or ascendent lord should be more powerful then eighth or other houses like sixth and twelveth.The personalities who have this type of combination create their own philosophy and get popularity by their deeds.So,if anybody has this type of combinations in their horoscope they will surely glitter.
28 Apr 2010
Psychology in context with Astrology
psychology and astrology have some correlation.In astrology it represents mind and psychology is ofcourse a subject of mind.Mind reflects thoughts and emotions or we can say mind itself has inherent level of thoughts, how thoughts come,why thoughts increase or decrease.A good psychologist has the skill to pacify and motivate his patients in a real form.As a matter of fact mind can not be controlled by simple efforts because it runs so fast and can not be caught,so psychologists compel for positive thinking but how many people abide by this rule.We obviously use only a small ratio of our mind and rest of the major part remains unused.Can we say why this occur? A simple answer is that the mind is not constant and it can be controlled by some practice.Moon in astrology represents the mind and moon has also the same nature to waver frequently.According to a myth moon is called Moon God and he had twentyseven wives which are called "nakshatras".In real sense how is it possible that a man having all the materialistic things remains satisfied.Material things never give true satisfaction but it is attained by the help of sprituality and sacrifice, so if we want to achieve real or inner satisfaction we should be ready for making sacrifices.
26 Apr 2010
Forgiveness and blessings
Forgiveness is a great merit and with the help of this anybody can uplift himself. The actual philosophy behind this is that the whole cosmos is interlinked by some waves and these are positive and negative waves.If you forgive somebody the positive waves get ready for actions.The great saints like Jesus,Buddah had this quality.Humility,Forgiveness,egolessness and integrity creates a high morale,whenever you have these qualities you are being uplifted and a special aura marks around you.
23 Apr 2010
Week and Stars
Do you know? what is the logic behind name of days i.e Sunday,Monday etc.,Actually our first day is sunday on the name of Sun,Monday is Moon,Tuesday is Mars,Wednesday is mercury,Thursday is Jupiter,Friday is Venus and Saturday is Saturn.The name of days have some secrets i.e Sun is the king and king holds the major post so it was declared as first day of week.Secondly Moon is the queen or Primeminister so it holds second post,again Mars is chief commander,Mercury is Yuvraj or we can say king's son,jupiter is Guru of all these and Venus here plays the role of materials and last but not the least is saturn,he plays the role of working group of kingdom.Here one thing is important that Sun falls first and saturn last that means sun and saturn are very much important.Sun represents day and saturn represents night.Both of them depend on each other,after night,day comes and after day night comes,what a lovely combination.After doing efforts in day time you deserves to take rest(fruits)at night.
Stars and Nature
The impact of stars in one's life is not a mere question,but question is how they work?,In this cosmos everything is totally planned,see nature's working,how nature work.The sun daily rises,air moves frequently,they are all bound to work by their nature.You see the animals,birds and plants are also bound to work according to their nature and human beings also have the same working and nature except wisdom,through this anybody can change his destiny.But how is it possible,every person is doing efforts according to his will but some people succeed and others fail,why? This is the question that is interpreted by everybody according to their conception and logic.Here one thing is important that all living things in this world are bound to do efforts.You have the options to do good or bad,both will pay you according to their nature.
22 Apr 2010
Justice and Karma
In astrology saturn is the representative of our karma,it also plays the role of "A justice".Here rahu is the public prosecutor and Ketu is the defender.The documents are Mercury and the controversial matter which has been filed in the court of Saturn is represented by Venus(because venus represent materialism and materialism is the root cause of sorrows).If anybody wrongly involved in the activities then saturn will not let them free.Here Rahu strongly pleads his case and saturn gives the true justice.If anybody is innocent then jupiter will take his side.
So don't be afraid from saturn and rahu.Always do good karma it is sure that these two planets will never harm you.
So don't be afraid from saturn and rahu.Always do good karma it is sure that these two planets will never harm you.
21 Apr 2010
Rahu and information technology
Rahu is called by another name that is Dragon's head and ketu is called by Dragon's tail.In present era or in modern age the role of Rahu is very much important,it represents Information technology,computer science,diplomacy.Rahu is that planent who suddenly acts and give unwanted results,all the unwanted events occured due to this,it also represents politics and diplomacy.It is the karka of Chess,gambling,space research,the modern metal i.e steel is also represented by this or we can say this era is now Steel and information era.
This thing is very important that the rahu would be pacified by giving support to handy and needy persons,if you want to get real benefits from this planet you have to support these types of people,make paths,giving support to needy persons,then Rahu will be happy and never hurt you.
This thing is very important that the rahu would be pacified by giving support to handy and needy persons,if you want to get real benefits from this planet you have to support these types of people,make paths,giving support to needy persons,then Rahu will be happy and never hurt you.
Mind and Intelligence in context with astrology
Astrology is a divine science and it is the important part of our anicient Vedas.With the help of this subject we can do some miracles in our life.This subject is totally behind from modern science and logic, actually this is also a science but we can call it divine science and what about logic,logic has also a wider sense and logic not gives us true peace inspite of that astrological belief depends on Astha and Astha is very much important to everybody,where all logic and science fails the Aastha Wins.
Here we talk about mind and intelligence in context with astrology.In astrology mind is represented by moon and intelligence is represented by mercury.Moon and Mercury in astrology have the waving nature,if one should get benefits from these planets he will see firstly how these two planents have such type of good aspects theiron.If moon and mercury has the malefic aspects they never be constant,so they should be conjunct or aspected by jupiter.Mercury itself represent the vaani and moon represent the mind,so the actual remedy to strenghen these planets,we should talk clear,we should be humble and get ready for sacrification of evil things.
Here we talk about mind and intelligence in context with astrology.In astrology mind is represented by moon and intelligence is represented by mercury.Moon and Mercury in astrology have the waving nature,if one should get benefits from these planets he will see firstly how these two planents have such type of good aspects theiron.If moon and mercury has the malefic aspects they never be constant,so they should be conjunct or aspected by jupiter.Mercury itself represent the vaani and moon represent the mind,so the actual remedy to strenghen these planets,we should talk clear,we should be humble and get ready for sacrification of evil things.
The actual remedy of stars
The remedy of stars are not important ,important thing is to change your mind and do nishkaam karma,do sacrifications, by it means sacrifice all evil thing and thoughts.If you want to gain from stars then do actual remedies.I can say one exmple here about moon that if you want to take the blessings of moon you have to lookafter your mother,same is the case of Sun(lookafter your father),same is case of Mars(build good relations with your brother),Mercury for sister,sister-in-law,jupiter for Guru,venus for wife and above all karma for saturn,for want of blessing from saturn one should do real and clean karma that is called "nishkaam"karma then these stars never hurt you.
Knowledge and Humbleness
Egoism is the great rival of humanbeing because an egoistic person lack the actual knowledge and intelligence.Egoism and pretendingness never give justice so let the egoism be thrownout and humbleness be wellcomed.Knowledge and intelligence should be welcomed but one thing is very much important here that with the help of sprituality it is a crown in the hat so conjunction of this create miracles.Materialism actualy spoil the intelligence so be vigilant about this.A wise,liberal and truthfull person surely goes to near the GOD or becomes like a GOD.
Karma and Nature
The karma is of three types i.e Saatwik,Raajsik and Taamsik,also is the case of tatwas that is satav,rajas and tamas,these are also correlate with GOD that means Generator(Braham),Opertor(Vishnu)and Destructor(Shiv).The Vaat,Pitt and Nadi are also three important tatwa in Ayurveda for treatment.So a good balance of these three tatwas are very important for a mankind.
Let us discuss about these three tatwas and their actul functioning.The Important tatwa is Saatwik tatwa whereby we have done some efforts without any motive that is called "nishkaam Karma" this brings us to near the GOD,Secondely is the Raajsik karma whereby we have done some efforts with some motives but non-harming to others and this type of karma is much popular in the society but the Taamsik karma is that type of karma whereby we have done something with full motive and that motive has been fulfilled by harrasing others,this is called "the nikrist karma" in vedas.
Let us discuss about these three tatwas and their actul functioning.The Important tatwa is Saatwik tatwa whereby we have done some efforts without any motive that is called "nishkaam Karma" this brings us to near the GOD,Secondely is the Raajsik karma whereby we have done some efforts with some motives but non-harming to others and this type of karma is much popular in the society but the Taamsik karma is that type of karma whereby we have done something with full motive and that motive has been fulfilled by harrasing others,this is called "the nikrist karma" in vedas.
Mind and Thoughts
All wise man of this world say goodthing that if you think about postivity that is reciprocaly thrown towards you,this is really a good concept to lead a better life.Science and logic proven this like "if you forcefully throw a ball to a wall,it reciprocaly thrown towards you".This concept has really a good logic but science purely believes in practical,is it halfly true that the whole cosmos is based on logic and practical,some secret power which can never be seen has the full control on this cosmos.Our holy scriptures strongly emphasised to this belief that"do your own task and let it on GOD" he almighty gives you the fruits.
So,mind and thought can not be overruled,mind can only be controlled by sacrification and meditation.We have to first sacrify all the evil things inside us like egoism,anger,prentendingness, so firstly leave these things then it will sure that you will control on mind and thoughts,after that your extra freewill will be working.
So,mind and thought can not be overruled,mind can only be controlled by sacrification and meditation.We have to first sacrify all the evil things inside us like egoism,anger,prentendingness, so firstly leave these things then it will sure that you will control on mind and thoughts,after that your extra freewill will be working.
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