14 Jul 2010

Is there sixth sense or twentyone senses ?

We all the time hear about sixth sense.What is this ? Does it exist or not ?
In philosophical manner there are five senses like: vision,hearing,touch,taste and smell.Sixth sense is nothing but it is our inherent psychic sense and most of the people described it as "third eye".As a matter of fact some scientists have proven that we have twentyone senses and the "soul" also has the twentyone gram weight.It seems that sense and soul both having 21gm weight or we can say actually soul is our sense.This word very much seems to be near the truth that our "aatma or soul" is really our sense.Whenever we die we almost loose ourself,in real manner that is we loose our visual power,listening power and loose everything and what about 21gm weight that also means when death comes that certain cellular processes fails and after that when you weigh the dead body,some weight is almost lost,that means the lungs,bowels,bladders will all empty themselves and hence these will loose some weight.So we can say after death body will be totally decomposed and there will be a loss of 21gm weight.Some of the people say like when somebody dies the evaporation of moistures from respiration system and evaporation of sweat cause the decrease of the weight that they called it like 21gm weight is lost from the deadbody.One thing is also important to discuss here that like human beings,animals and birds have this sense also and inspite of going for any controversy we should not forget that birds and animals have stronger sense than us,because they are all innocent and they never crossed their limits towards the nature but man is not living in his shells and from the very beginning of this universe he always breaks the rules so he fails.

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