28 Apr 2010

Psychology in context with Astrology

psychology and astrology have some correlation.In astrology it represents mind and psychology is ofcourse a subject of mind.Mind reflects thoughts and emotions or we can say mind itself has inherent level of thoughts, how thoughts come,why thoughts increase or decrease.A good psychologist has the skill to pacify and motivate his patients in a real form.As a matter of fact mind can not be controlled by simple efforts because it runs so fast and can not be caught,so psychologists compel for positive thinking but how many people abide by this rule.We obviously use only a small ratio of our mind and rest of the major part remains unused.Can we say why this occur? A simple answer is that the mind is not constant and it can be controlled by some practice.Moon in astrology represents the mind and moon has also the same nature to waver frequently.According to a myth moon is called Moon God and he had twentyseven wives which are called "nakshatras".In real sense how is it possible that a man having all the materialistic things remains satisfied.Material things never give true satisfaction but it is attained by the help of sprituality and sacrifice, so if we want to achieve real or inner satisfaction we should be ready for making sacrifices.

26 Apr 2010

Forgiveness and blessings

Forgiveness is a great merit and with the help of this anybody can uplift himself. The actual philosophy behind this is that the whole cosmos is interlinked by some waves and these are positive and negative waves.If you forgive somebody the positive waves get ready for actions.The great saints like Jesus,Buddah had this quality.Humility,Forgiveness,egolessness and integrity creates a high morale,whenever you have these qualities you are being uplifted and a special aura marks around you.

23 Apr 2010

Week and Stars

Do you know? what is the logic behind name of days i.e Sunday,Monday etc.,Actually our first day is sunday on the name of Sun,Monday is Moon,Tuesday is Mars,Wednesday is mercury,Thursday is Jupiter,Friday is Venus and Saturday is Saturn.The name of days have some secrets i.e Sun is the king and king holds the major post so it was declared as first day of week.Secondly Moon is the queen or Primeminister so it holds second post,again Mars is chief commander,Mercury is Yuvraj or we can say king's son,jupiter is Guru of all these and Venus here plays the role of materials and last but not the least is saturn,he plays the role of working group of kingdom.Here one thing is important that Sun falls first and saturn last that means sun and saturn are very much important.Sun represents day and saturn represents night.Both of them depend on each other,after night,day comes and after day night comes,what a lovely combination.After doing efforts in day time you deserves to take rest(fruits)at night.

Stars and Nature

The impact of stars in one's life is not a mere question,but question is how they work?,In this cosmos everything is totally planned,see nature's working,how nature work.The sun daily rises,air moves frequently,they are all bound to work by their nature.You see the animals,birds and plants are also bound to work according to their nature and human beings also have the same working and nature except wisdom,through this anybody can change his destiny.But how is it possible,every person is doing efforts according to his will but some people succeed and others fail,why? This is the question that is interpreted by everybody according to their conception and logic.Here one thing is important that all living things in this world are bound to do efforts.You have the options to do good or bad,both will pay you according to their nature.

22 Apr 2010

Justice and Karma

In astrology saturn is the representative of our karma,it also plays the role of "A justice".Here rahu is the public prosecutor and Ketu is the defender.The documents are Mercury and the controversial matter which has been filed in the court of Saturn is represented by Venus(because venus represent materialism and materialism is the root cause of sorrows).If anybody wrongly involved in the activities then saturn will not let them free.Here Rahu strongly pleads his case and saturn gives the true justice.If anybody is innocent then jupiter will take his side.
So don't be afraid from saturn and rahu.Always do good karma it is sure that these two planets will never harm you.

21 Apr 2010

Rahu and information technology

Rahu is called by another name that is Dragon's head and ketu is called by Dragon's tail.In present era or in modern age the role of Rahu is very much important,it represents Information technology,computer science,diplomacy.Rahu is that planent who suddenly acts and give unwanted results,all the unwanted events occured due to this,it also represents politics and diplomacy.It is the karka of Chess,gambling,space research,the modern metal i.e steel is also represented by this or we can say this era is now Steel and information era.
This thing is very important that the rahu would be pacified by giving support to handy and needy persons,if you want to get real benefits from this planet you have to support these types of people,make paths,giving support to needy persons,then Rahu will be happy and never hurt you.

Mind and Intelligence in context with astrology

Astrology is a divine science and it is the important part of our anicient Vedas.With the help of this subject we can do some miracles in our life.This subject is totally behind from modern science and logic, actually this is also a science but we can call it divine science and what about logic,logic has also a wider sense and logic not gives us true peace inspite of that astrological belief depends on Astha and Astha is very much important to everybody,where all logic and science fails the Aastha Wins.
Here we talk about mind and intelligence in context with astrology.In astrology mind is represented by moon and intelligence is represented by mercury.Moon and Mercury in astrology have the waving nature,if one should get benefits from these planets he will see firstly how these two planents have such type of good aspects theiron.If moon and mercury has the malefic aspects they never be constant,so they should be conjunct or aspected by jupiter.Mercury itself represent the vaani and moon represent the mind,so the actual remedy to strenghen these planets,we should talk clear,we should be humble and get ready for sacrification of evil things.

The actual remedy of stars

The remedy of stars are not important ,important thing is to change your mind and do nishkaam karma,do sacrifications, by it means sacrifice all evil thing and thoughts.If you want to gain from stars then do actual remedies.I can say one exmple here about moon that if you want to take the blessings of moon you have to lookafter your mother,same is the case of Sun(lookafter your father),same is case of Mars(build good relations with your brother),Mercury for sister,sister-in-law,jupiter for Guru,venus for wife and above all karma for saturn,for want of blessing from saturn one should do real and clean karma that is called "nishkaam"karma then these stars never hurt you.

Knowledge and Humbleness

Egoism is the great rival of humanbeing because an egoistic person lack the actual knowledge and intelligence.Egoism and pretendingness never give justice so let the egoism be thrownout and humbleness be wellcomed.Knowledge and intelligence should be welcomed but one thing is very much important here that with the help of sprituality it is a crown in the hat so conjunction of this create miracles.Materialism actualy spoil the intelligence so be vigilant about this.A wise,liberal and truthfull person surely goes to near the GOD or becomes like a GOD.

Karma and Nature

The karma is of three types i.e Saatwik,Raajsik and Taamsik,also is the case of tatwas that is satav,rajas and tamas,these are also correlate with GOD that means Generator(Braham),Opertor(Vishnu)and Destructor(Shiv).The Vaat,Pitt and Nadi are also three important tatwa in Ayurveda for treatment.So a good balance of these three tatwas are very important for a mankind.
Let us discuss about these three tatwas and their actul functioning.The Important tatwa is Saatwik tatwa whereby we have done some efforts without any motive that is called "nishkaam Karma" this brings us to near the GOD,Secondely is the Raajsik karma whereby we have done some efforts with some motives but non-harming to others and this type of karma is much popular in the society but the Taamsik karma is that type of karma whereby we have done something with full motive and that motive has been fulfilled by harrasing others,this is called "the nikrist karma" in vedas.

Mind and Thoughts

All wise man of this world say goodthing that if you think about postivity that is reciprocaly thrown towards you,this is really a good concept to lead a better life.Science and logic proven this like "if you forcefully throw a ball to a wall,it reciprocaly thrown towards you".This concept has really a good logic but science purely believes in practical,is it halfly true that the whole cosmos is based on logic and practical,some secret power which can never be seen has the full control on this cosmos.Our holy scriptures strongly emphasised to this belief that"do your own task and let it on GOD" he almighty gives you the fruits.
So,mind and thought can not be overruled,mind can only be controlled by sacrification and meditation.We have to first sacrify all the evil things inside us like egoism,anger,prentendingness, so firstly leave these things then it will sure that you will control on mind and thoughts,after that your extra freewill will be working.


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