11 Aug 2010

How stars act and how we can overcome them?

The stars has the full impact on us whether we believe or not it depends on us.Let us see how the planets act and what is their effect on the cosmos.In the subject of astrology we study about the role of planets on us and after doing some calculations we reach on a point where we can predict about anybody,but before predicting we should not forget to remember some inevitable points which are very helpful for any astrologist that firstly he should be learned,he should be a wise person and lastly he should have full faith on him and on the supremepower.We almost know that every person has different nature and this thing is also important that everybody in this cosmos are not free from their anticipations,actually when some person succeded the inherent qualities on him give him the support that qualities is represented by his former karmas in large with present situations and conditions also,so former saved karmas plus present circumstances like place,circle and time have the cause of destiny(here one thing is important that majority of the people have full faith on destiny and karma but some people never believe in destiny due to their assumptions and personal ego)and it is fact that we are not free to do anything in actual manner without letting something where we are free,actually these are the words for baselesss discussions thar we are all free to do everything and we are born to live independent life,why some people say like this that is due to their former karmas and if this thing is true that man has freewill then why Lord krishna says"karmaney vaadikarste maafaleshu kadachin" that means we are bound to do only karma and their fruits not in our hand and that karmphal is in the hands of vidhata who is almighty,who is very powerful and it reflects that we should also be powerfull like him but is it possible for anybody? the actual power could be gained with the help of good karmas and by letting of evil things(kaam,krodh,lobh,moh and ahenkaar).In astrological manner man aur budhi that means mind and intelligence are causes for anything which again means moon and mercury are the cause of any events.Actually moon and mercury are not having constant nature and their placement and combinations with any star create some important events.When moon conjoins with any planet that will act like him and same is the case of mercury so if we want to see the horoscope and if we want to concentrate on some important events then we should concentrate on the combinations of "moon and mercury" with other stars.Actually these combinations are made by our former karmas and we are bound to bear them,so we should bear them with greatness.

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