17 Aug 2010

Moon and Mercury in context with astrology

Everything in the cosmos has some meanings and without any cause they never exist,so we should believe in the belief that everything in the universe has some cause and effect and all of us are interlinked by each other due to some secrets.We also hear about planets and what is the role of planets in the cosmos ? Is there any direct or indirect impact on this universe ? the answer is Yes.Actually the planets both have the direct and indirect impact on us and on the whole cosmos or we can say they represent our efforts or they become medium between God and us.In astrology moon is represented by our mind and mercury is represented by brain or intelligence.Every person has the same quantity of both mind and brain but some of them utilize that in real manner,science almost research about the power of brain and comes to the point that a common man never utilize the major part of the brainpower in his total life or we can say up to 10 percent brainpower is being utilized by the man.This brain power is represented by both moon and mercury and if both of them is well placed or aspected by benefic planets the person can utilise his brainpower without any barrier and can do miracles in his life.In the notable horoscope we assume that our ancient Avtaras have the good planets in their horoscope and ofcourse you see the moon and mercury in their horoscope they were properly in good position like moon was exalted(in taurus rashi) and mercury was also exalted(in virgo rashi) and both of them in tringle position also(e.g in the horoscope of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna).So this question remains stand here that why everybody has not that power to do everything ? that is reflected in their horoscope,if anybody has some sort of good combinations in their horoscope the person becomes in good position to utilize his brain power and after utilization some miracles would be possibe,so the role of moon amd mercury in the horoscope is indispensable for the real success.

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